Our Products
Inspired by Nature
Every piece in our gallery has it own individual story, it’s own footprint on the world. From our Native Alaskan totemic designs to our world famous bronze sculptures, they all share one thing in common, they are inspired by nature. Based out of a small island in Alaska, the Sitka Rose Gallery takes much pride in being able to promote all different types of artistic mediums while sharing Alaskas endless beauty in the art our amazing artists so proudly produce.
Alaskan Art/Culture
Alaska has several different regional cultures within it. Sitka is indigenous to the Tlingit, Tsimshian and Haida people to name a few. Each culture varies in its representations and practices. We feel great honor and privilege to represent each culture and their stories within our gallery.
Stellar Products
The Sitka Rose Gallery features art from over 100 of the best alaskan artists. Our pieces are selected from a group of remote artists spread across Alaska. Each piece represents the astounding beauty, culture and nature that surrounds the state. The Sitka Rose Gallery promises to only sell the finest Alaskan art available to our customers.
Giving Back
Since the amazing Alaskan artists and their beautiful cultures have provided us with a business we vow to give back in whatever way we can and value the artists and their cultures first in every step of our business.